
Filtry email

Możesz blokować niechcianą pocztę używając filtrów email. Jest wiele definicji spamu ale najbardziej popularną jest:

Spam jest elektroniczną wersją nie zamawianych ofert, reklam przychodzących pocztą. Filtry email są po to aby kasować tego typu reklamy. Możesz blokować, sortować takie maile. Blokowane maile mogą być kasowane automatycznie, przesyłane na inny adres lub do innego skryptu.

Linki do stron o spamie:

Opis Spam Assassin.

Aby dodać filtr poczty:

  1. Kliknij w dziale Poczta na Filtry email.

  2. Kliknij w Dodaj filtr.

  3. Wybierz program w listy. These are the various fields in any e-mail message.

  4. Click on the required filter action in the second drop-down list. This action will act on the text entered in the third field.

    • equals - match the text exactly (whole words only). "Credit" will block "Credit".

    • matches regex - matches the text based on regular expression (regex) rules. Regular expressions are a powerful but complex area. You do not need to use regular expression filters for most circumstances. Refer to these two good introductory tutorials - Using Regular Expressions and Learning to Use Regular Expressions - for more information.

    • contains - match the specified text in any circumstance. "porn" will block "porn" and "pornography".

    • begins with - match the specified text when it is the beginning of a word. "porn" will block "porn" and "pornography" but not "teenporn".

  5. Enter the filter text in the third field. This text is case sensitive.

  6. Enter the destination for the filtered e-mail in the Destination field. There are three separate types of destination:

    • Destroy the e-mail - Enter Discard in the field.

    • Redirect to another address - Enter the e-mail address to which to redirect the e-mail.

    • Redirect to a script - Enter the full script path on the machine that hosts your web site.

  7. Click on the Activate button.


  • To redirect all e-mail from "", enter: From, equals,,

  • To delete all e-mail from, enter: From, contains,, Discard

  • To delete all references to pornography, enter: Any Header, contains, porn, Discard

  • To discard all e-mail that Spam Assassin has marked as spam, enter: SpamAssassin Spam Header, begins with, yes, Discard

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Deleting an e-mail filter